A journal for my children of my life with them

This blog tells the story of my children while they are young.
I am constantly told, like by the stranger when my little one had an accident today in the library, that these moments go by so fast
(although I wished I could have skipped that one).
I can feel them slipping through my hands, all these little beautiful moments.
Moments when I get to be a child again because of their wonder.
Moments when their need for me challenges me (sometimes at the library) to be a better and bigger person.
Moments when I am faced with their pain and must rely on God for their needs.
Moments when I hurt because they are just so beautiful to look at, and even more often so beautiful on the inside.

I don't know if they will want to read these chronicles when they grow up, but I hope so. I hope this journal helps them to remember a childhood they loved, and family who love them

Saturday, February 12, 2011

what Christmas brings

Dorathea and I watched Toy Story last week on the big screen. Perfect segway for clearing the house of toy clutter before Christmas.  "That little girl loved to play with her toys as much as you love yours" I tell D on the way home, "Wasn't it nice of Andy to give them away when he was done playing with them".

The next day I commission her to find her less loved toys to give away.  Toy destination;  The Christmas Store where parents can select free presents for thier little ones for Christmas.  I talk up Our trip to this very different store.  She chooses ten toys, even Green Grass a recent favorite to give away .  The next week we march my girl into the Christmas Store with a stuffed animal in hand.   She proudly gives it away to a volunteer and gets a grand tour of all the new and used toys and clothes.  I left the store with proud of my little philanthropist and with my house emptier of plastic.  Our hearts and home a little more ready for Christmas.

Meanwhile Ted was buying up green lego flats for his special Christmas present for the kids.  He studied online maps of the island of Sodor as I put together a dvd of pictures and videos of Dorathea for her special gift.  The night before Christmas we were up till midnight painting, sawing and drilling.  Christmas morning an old coffee table was topped with green lego grass and wooden Thomas tracks and bridges over a special water filled plastic tub.  Ted's baby teeth marks still graced the table legs if you looked closely.

 Our Christmas guests arrived before the kids woke up.  Annette, Karen, and I feasted on Crossiants with Nuttella and coffee.  They carefully poured out the stockings Dorathea and I had filled for them with Tolberone, Lotion, home aide Biscotti and Chocolate Covered Pretzels.  They had made thier way through fresh fluffy snow and thier cheaks were rosy.  We chattered about what the kids would think of the full mittens, tree, and table.

They do not dissapoint. Wows, and Yays galore.  The gifts circulate and so does the food.  Sausage Quiche and sparkling pomegranet juice make an appearence.  Then out comes the Coconut cake lit with candles and we sing happy birthday to the newborn king.

After we bask in the glory of the morning, Annette, Karen, Dorathea, and I go outside to sled.  We climb snowfilled evergreens and then make a snowwoman.  Dorathea contributes her own hat and we go inside.

Preperation for the dinner feast of Ham, mashed potatoes, salad, and rolls begins and soon the smell of sweet ham fills the house.  We worship first singing carols with guitar and hand drums then improvising our own newsongs, then Ted teaching the girls how to play ethnic drums, drum circle style.

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