A journal for my children of my life with them

This blog tells the story of my children while they are young.
I am constantly told, like by the stranger when my little one had an accident today in the library, that these moments go by so fast
(although I wished I could have skipped that one).
I can feel them slipping through my hands, all these little beautiful moments.
Moments when I get to be a child again because of their wonder.
Moments when their need for me challenges me (sometimes at the library) to be a better and bigger person.
Moments when I am faced with their pain and must rely on God for their needs.
Moments when I hurt because they are just so beautiful to look at, and even more often so beautiful on the inside.

I don't know if they will want to read these chronicles when they grow up, but I hope so. I hope this journal helps them to remember a childhood they loved, and family who love them

Saturday, February 12, 2011

the story of the day Jonathan was born

I get a little sentimental every year about this time.  In my mind I am rocking my days old little boy.  The story of how he came into the world;
I was really pregnant and at church up front with Ted, both of us being prayed for by Minnie Coleman, a visiting minister.  "I pray that their would be no Fear!" she said and I started laughing, and so did Ted.  I really needed that no fear prayer!  A song plays in the background;
"The more I seek you,The more I find youThe more I find you, the more I love youI wanna sit at your feetDrink from the cup in your hand.Lay back against you and breath, feel your heart beatThis love is so deep, it's more than I can stand.I melt in your peace, it's overwhelming" Kari Jobe

We went home and I took a long nap.  I had a vivid dream that I was back up at the front of the church this time being prayed for by all the ladies there as they lovingly encircled me.  Suddenly I said "5, 6, 5, 6, 88!, 99!, 88!, 99!".  What a funny dream I thought when I woke up.  Numbers are not really my thing, why would I dream about saying them.  An older friend called then and I asked him what he thought it could mean.

He said,  "deals with God's creative works or Earth Creation,  four is always used when referring to God's creation. 5 deals with grace and redemption - God's grace or life that's moved by the spirit.  8 means one who abounds in strength.   eight is also used in reference to fertility. It has also been used when referring to the Resurrection or new beginnings.  9 deals with judgment or the finality of things. It describes the perfect movement of God."  "And what about double numbers, like 88, 99?" I asked, "That means it is going to take place soon" He said.  About then I felt a contraction.  So the numbers moved from creation and grace to strength and new life that would be coming soon.   

Contractions came off and on through the night as I slept or tried to sleep in between.  At 4 am we called our friend Beth and had her come and stay with Dorathea (and at 7 take her to her friend Waide's house)  as we went to the hospital.  At the hospital I had some early back labor and my midwife sent me home after a few hours.  I struggled at home as the labor came on strong and finally went back to the hospital about 11:00am.  

At the hospital I meditated and listened to meditation cd for two hours and then when focusing became difficult I prayed and felt like god was saying to do whatever I needed to do to enjoy this miracle that was about to happen.  I new I was tired and at a turning point painwise.  I decided got an epidural.  As the pain subsided I had two duolas helping me, my husband encouraging me right in front of me and a great midwife and nurse all working together, what a great team. I felt very well taken care of!  

Pushing was easy and Jonathan was born into the world as I laughed at a joke the midwife told.  As I held my beautiful healthy boy in my arms I asked Ted what name he thought was right.  James?  "No, his name is Jonathan" Ted said.  "How do you know?' I asked.  "I heard God tell me just now"   Jonathan seemed just right for him.  And I had had more than one person tell me he would be filled with the spirit like John the Baptist.  Jonathan means "God gives" in Hebrew.

The nausea that plagued me for 9 months was gone, and the difficult time I had had at work (another long story) had melted into peace at home.  I held my little boy those first few days and the words echoed in my mind :
"The more I seek you,The more I find youThe more I find you, the more I love you
I wanna sit at your feetDrink from the cup in your hand.Lay back against you and breath, feel your heart beatThis love is so deep, it's more than I can stand.I melt in your peace, it's overwhelming"
As his breath rose and fell in the circle of my arms, I could feel bigger arms holding me as I in turn rose and fell against His chest.  Their had been nothing to fear, only my grace turning into my strength and this new life, the life of a child who is also a seeker.

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