A journal for my children of my life with them

This blog tells the story of my children while they are young.
I am constantly told, like by the stranger when my little one had an accident today in the library, that these moments go by so fast
(although I wished I could have skipped that one).
I can feel them slipping through my hands, all these little beautiful moments.
Moments when I get to be a child again because of their wonder.
Moments when their need for me challenges me (sometimes at the library) to be a better and bigger person.
Moments when I am faced with their pain and must rely on God for their needs.
Moments when I hurt because they are just so beautiful to look at, and even more often so beautiful on the inside.

I don't know if they will want to read these chronicles when they grow up, but I hope so. I hope this journal helps them to remember a childhood they loved, and family who love them

Monday, March 21, 2011

Vacation Day #7 Carousels and Fountains

Men at their conference today doing business-type stuff. Nana and I head to the shopping center with the kiddies. We sprinkle shopping with carousel rides, ice cream, playground, and finally playing in the fountain.
P1010017 by thekeysfamily
P1010017 a photo by thekeysfamily on Flickr.

 "I don't want to shop anymore!, I want to ride the carousel!"- Dorathea. Well I guess I'm glad that she hasn't grown out of that yet.

Stopping to smell the flowers at lunchtime;
And much joy playing in the fountain.  

Vacation day #6 Art festival Sunday

Ted and I were about to leave and Dorathea said tearfully, "Are you going to the Art Festival?", Yes sweetie", I said, "But I'mmm an artist toooo!".  It was hard to leave her but we had a lovely date lunch and enjoyed all the art stores.  But, there were so many children's activities at the festival I decided she and I should go back for a girls afternoon out at the Art festival just Mommy and Dorathea.
She painted a pink unicorn
Danced to the music.
Sculpted some clay trees while Mommy made a couple pots at the wheel.
and flew her paper airplane

A few more creations;
Shell and button frame
 Cast iron tiles;
  She carved a portrait of me, and I carved one of her.
Neat process; they poured the molten iron into the mold we drew on

Just us girls and we love to make pretty stuff.

I love my little girl.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Vacation Day #5 The Little Zoo that Could and the Soda Fountain

IMG_1595 by thekeysfamily
IMG_1595 a photo by thekeysfamily on Flickr.
We went to the Zoo Saturday and dragged Papa and Ted with us.

It happened to be the Zoo from the TV show. They also happened to have free face painting and games and a firetruck at the zoo for a volunteer event.
 It was a trip meant to be.
When I told Dorathea she could have her face painted she said, "I want purple and pink spots". Trying to avoid the getting over chicken-pox look I said, "How about a pink and purple kitty?".

The wagon was a bigger hit that the tigers or lions for the kids
 but we enjoyed learning about the histories of each animal, and how many were rescued from abusive owners (even the lions!).

After the Zoo Papa was itching to show us his favorite drug store complete with soda fountain and lunch counter. "The juke box is free!" he boasted, "and the coffee costs 10 cents!" We were game, so we lunched on chicken salad and sipped cokes.
The ten cent coffee was worth about ten cents, but Jonathan napped in his stroller.
 We ended with ice cream and enjoyed a good long stay at the drug store talking and laughing.


Saturday, March 12, 2011

Vacation day #4 it was a blue and white striped kind of day

God's been whispering to me in my quiet time that I match the ocean in it's beauty.  I had a laugh today as my kids matched the beach umbrellas like the Von Trap children matched thier curtians.  I did not know that the lounge chairs at our section of the beach would perfectly match the clothes I packed.  But i did monopolize this fact and give my creator a wink. 
Nana and I took hit the beach with the kiddies while Dad and Papa worked today. The weather was warm with a cool breeze, just as we like it.  Here Jonathan is offering you his juice.

Dorathea dug tunnels in the sand castle Nana and I made
My girl and I played chase the waves running up and down the shore giggling as we get our toes wet.
Nana's new job; she is happily baby chasing
Hope our blue stripedy day brought you some cheer.  I wistfully wish you were here and hope you can have a blue striped day of your own soon.

Tomorrow I offer the little zoo that could and the soda fountian

Friday, March 11, 2011

Vacation day #3 blowing bubbles on balcony and evening on the sand

Up on the balcony on our second morning here, blowing bubbles with Nana and Dorathea.
We are on the 16th floor which provides privacy and doesn't sacrifice the view.  The kids say wow every time we open the balcony door.

And then late in the day, after an early dinner at home we hit the beach. At this point Jonathan cries if we go outside and he doesn't get to play in the sugary sand.
And tonight someone brings her pink pony to enjoy the sea air
behind him is our condo.
And it's getting late so we point out the moon, 
and go back to our comfy beds.
Papa reads the stories and then we and enter into dreams by the sea.

Vacation day #2, A Day that's Gray and Stormy

We were greeted at the restaurant by Nana and Papa Tuesday night and went to the condo full and road weary.  
The next morning we woke up early and everyone hit the beach.  We worked hard at making a sand castle until storm clouds rolled in fast.
after a couple of tornado warnings the clouds became whiter and we went to dinner on the pier together.  

Afterward Papa took Dorathea to feed the birds.  They named thier favorites; Malcom and Sophia, and shared serious conversation about the seagulls.
I look down from the balcony before bed and see this;
Someone is thinking of me tonight.
 I just stick out my chin and grin and say ah, the sun will come out tomorrow,  wink.