A journal for my children of my life with them

This blog tells the story of my children while they are young.
I am constantly told, like by the stranger when my little one had an accident today in the library, that these moments go by so fast
(although I wished I could have skipped that one).
I can feel them slipping through my hands, all these little beautiful moments.
Moments when I get to be a child again because of their wonder.
Moments when their need for me challenges me (sometimes at the library) to be a better and bigger person.
Moments when I am faced with their pain and must rely on God for their needs.
Moments when I hurt because they are just so beautiful to look at, and even more often so beautiful on the inside.

I don't know if they will want to read these chronicles when they grow up, but I hope so. I hope this journal helps them to remember a childhood they loved, and family who love them

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

"When I grow up to be a teacher, will you still be my mommy and daddy?"- Dorathea

Friday, March 26, 2010


Dorathea is at this moment talking to her bug, which she has named "Coward".  "Hi Coward, how are you?It's me!. Coward you got big!  Coward, you've got to get out of there (the sink?)! Do you need help?  Oh no he's stuck!" "Coward is my pet fly mom."

Thursday, March 25, 2010

giving flowers

Dorathea begins most prayers lately with "Thank you God for giving (whomever she's praying for or with) flowers".  The first time she said this I asked her to pray with Ted and I because I was feeling down and acting grumpy.  She held hands with us and said, "Please give Mommy flowers and help her feel better".  The image of God giving me flowers made me instantly feel much better.  
I had never been a bouquet of flowers kind of person, preferring chocolate or a sweet note.  But, converted, I bought myself a bouquet soon after her first flowers prayer, and requested them for valentine's day too. God's message of giving me flowers and the 3 year old voice he choose to deliver it with have shown me he will do anything he can to give me beautiful gifts.  Now every bouquet I see is like a prayer from my child and a token of my Beloved's affection for me.  I just realized today she was telling me God was giving me flowers just before God started showing me that I am a well-watered-garden over and over again in my quiet time.  Thanks for being a divine messenger, Dorathea.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

flying and the moon

Dorathea was admiring the window boxes I put in the upstairs windows today.  As she looked out the window she said "Mommy I can stand there (on the roof) and then fly".  Panic struck me first, "No, we don't jump off the roof, we can't fly, birds can.". Then I thought she believes she can fly, how amazing.
This reminded me of the night Dorathea discovered the moon.  "Moooon"  She pointed up at it with her chubby two-year old finger.  "Come down!" she called to it.  "Come down moon!".  I laughed.  A couple months later when her talking had gotten better she said it again.  I asked, "Why do you want the moon to come down?".  "To play with me" she said.  We started singing a song at church that week that went, "Come down come, down as the praises go up" Everytime I thought of Dorathea inviting the moon to play with her.
To my child flying is reality and the moon is a playmate.  She is able to do every beautiful thing in her childish imagination.  I aspire to be like her.